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Whitehall-Coplay School District

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Flexible Instructional Day

Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Guidelines for WCSD Parents and Guardians

During the 2024-2025 School Year, the Whitehall-Coplay School District will be utilizing Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs).

What is a Flexible Instructional Day (FID)?

A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) is an alternative approach to providing instruction on days when inclement weather or an emergency would necessitate the cancellation of school.  The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) allows public school entities to develop Flexible Instructional Day programs to avoid school closure while meeting the 180 instruction Day requirement. The FID program may be virtual, offline, or a combination.

On an FID, students must complete learning assignments and activities provided by their teacher(s) at home. The District can use up to five (5) FIDs per school year. FIDs are considered a school day and count toward the number of instructional days/hours required by the Pennsylvania Public School Code. 

To implement an FID program, the local School Board Directors must approve the application prior to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) acceptance. 

The District’s  Board of School Directors approved the District's FID plan on May 23, 2022. PDE has approved the District’s application for 2022-2025.   

If the District calls for an FID, how will I know?

Students and parents/guardians will be informed of an FID through the District’s notification system in the same way that school closings and delays are currently announced. Notifications will be distributed via School Messenger and will be posted on the District’s website

How does student attendance work?

Attendance will be determined by a student completing and submitting the FID activities and assignments.  To be considered present, a student must complete and submit assigned work by the end of the Flexible Instructional Day.

How is a student expected to complete the FID activities if they cannot access the internet due to childcare arrangements or the loss of internet service?

In anticipation that some students may not have internet access, the teachers will send home copies of FID assignments prior to implementing a Flexible Instructional Day.  Parents will notify the school their child will complete assignments offline or on a paper copy.  

The student will be marked present for the FID if the completed assignments are submitted on the first-day school reopen

How will parents/guardians and students find the FID learning assignment and activities?

Classroom teachers will have an FID link on their Learning Management System: Seesaw for kindergarten and first grade; Google Classroom for students in grades 2-12. The day’s assignments will be located on this site. Students will be expected to complete lessons for all scheduled classes, such as art, music, library, Discovery/STEM, physical education, or health. The lessons will relate to previously taught concepts to ensure students can complete the assignments.

How much time is my student expected to take to complete the assignments?

Teachers have designed learning assignments and activities equivalent to time spent on a similar lesson in a regularly scheduled class period. Students working independently on a task will likely take less time to complete the assignments and activities than in a large group setting. The FID will count as a “Cycle Day.” For example, if the day would have been Day 3, the FID day is Day 3, and the next school day is Day 4.

How can my child(ren) contact their teacher during an FID?

Teachers will be available via email throughout the day. Students/Parents can find teacher contact information on our website. 

How can I contact a teacher or staff member during an FID?

The professional staff will be available by email during the regular school hours of their assigned building and will respond to emails within 60 minutes on an FID. This includes special education teachers, reading specialists, English as Second Language teachers, school counselors, nurses, speech therapists, and special subject teachers, such as art, music, library, Discovery/STEM, physical education, and health.

What happens if a student does not complete the FID assignments?

Students who fail to complete their FID assignments will be considered absent for the day. The loss of points could impact a student’s marking period grade. It is the teacher’s discretion whether to accept a late assignment. Therefore, completing the work would be in the student's best interest. Work turned in after the FID  may receive credit from the teacher. However, assignments completed on the flexible instructional day will determine attendance.

My child has an IEP.   Will his/her lesson be modified appropriately?

The FID lesson will be designed for students with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction, and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans. Students receiving specially designed instruction or accommodations should complete the work to the best of their availability and submit it on the FID for attendance requirements.  

Upon return from an FID, teachers of students with special needs will meet with their students to review work submitted, checking for completion and understanding. If needed, the students will receive additional support to complete their work.  Any related services  (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech, etc.) scheduled during the FID will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements of the student’s individualized education plan. 

What if a student cannot access a computer or internet to access the lesson or complete activities?

If an FID is anticipated, such as impending inclement weather, the schools will instruct students in grades K-12 to take home their assigned Chromebook. If a student does not have their district device, they may need to share resources at home or other locations. Some students may want to work on offline options while others complete online assignments. The teacher(s) will provide students with an offline version of the learning assignments and activities before the FID.

What if a student is sick on the FID?

If a student is sick on an FID, the parent/guardian must submit a written excuse just as they would have on a regular school day per school procedure. The student and/or parent/guardian should discuss any required make-up work with the teacher. 

What if a student is on a pre-arranged absence on the FID?

The student absent on an FID would be expected to make up the learning assignments and activities as if it were any other absence from school.

Will there still be make-up dates built into the district calendar?

Yes, two make-up dates are currently on the district calendar. An FID is an option that may be used in place of some canceled school days or make-up days but may not be used for all canceled school days in any given school year.