WCSD Special Education Programs
The Whitehall Coplay School District provides a variety of special education services and supports for students who qualify for special education. Each program is tailored to meet the individual needs of every student.
Emotional Support K-12: The district’s Emotional Support services support students with emotional and behavior needs through various academic, behavioral, or social interventions based on the their individual needs. The goal is to provide these services in the least restrictive environment, in an effort to decrease problem behaviors and increase academic outcomes. The Emotional Support Team provides direct support to teachers and school teams.
Learning Support K-12: The district's Learning Support services support student's academic skills through various academic interventions based on their individual needs. If a student requires a higher level of intervention, the curriculum can be adapted, modified or replaced. The goal is to provide these services in the least restrictive environment to increase academic outcomes.
Life Skills Support 4-12: IDEA defines life skills support as a functional program for students who have intellectual disabilities and who need to learn functional life skills. Life Skills Support is not a program for students who have only significant academic deficits, although students in life skills support programs are usually substantially below grade level in academic areas.
Multiple Disabilities Support K-1: The district’s Multiple Disabilities Support Program supports students with functional education, communication, social, and adapted living needs through functional curriculums, language, and social interventions.
Speech and Language Support K-12: The district’s Speech and Language Support Programs supports students' communication and language needs through various speech and language interventions that target the individual’s specific needs. The speech and language therapist provides direct support to teachers and district staff.