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Whitehall-Coplay School District

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Role of the ESL Teacher

Role of ESL Teacher: The program offered by the Whitehall-Coplay School District is English Language Development (ELD) and is delivered by an ESL teacher. The ESL teacher provides instruction to facilitate the development and attainment of English language proficiency whose native or first language is not English. English Learners (ELs) are supported by their ESL teachers in the ELD and content classes.

The District’s ESL programs are rigorous, student-centered, and research-based. This combination best promotes academic literacy. The curriculum is aligned to the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards and Pennsylvania’s Core Standards (PACS).

To effectively teach language through academic content, ESL teachers and classroom teachers work and plan together. Collaboration between ESL and classroom teachers is one of the best ways to serve ELs.

ESL Staff

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