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Whitehall-Coplay School District

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ESL Instructional Resources

WIDA Can Do Descriptors
Can Do Descriptors are a tool that help teachers support language development for their ELs. The Can Do Descriptors identify what English learners can do at various stages of language development. 

Bilingual Glossary and Cognates
NYS Statewide Language Regional Bilingual Education Resources Network provides bilingual glossary and cognates.

Colorin Colorado
Colorin Colorado is a site that provides ELL strategies and best practices for educators. 

Educating English Learners in Pennsylvania Resources and information about educating English learners in Pennsylvania. 

Translation Library
The PA Department of Education provides educators with a library of translated documents. The documents can be used by educators to communicate with parents for various purposes.

All About Adolescent Literacy - --  Library of strategies for secondary educators that supports interactive and engaging learning that helps students make stronger connections and deeper understanding of texts and topics.

Reading Rockets - Classroom Strategy Library for elementary educators - provides effective, research-based classroom strategies to help strengthen students' skills in phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and writing.

Danielson Framework - EL Considerations