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Whitehall-Coplay School District

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Differentiated Supervision


Supervision provides faculty with the resources and opportunities to strengthen their existing skills, carry out their responsibilities in a reflective, inquiring manner, and model lifelong learning for their students. A formal observation is required in the first year of a three year cycle for all tenured professional staff. The second and third years of the observation cycle allow for teachers to guide their own professional growth by selecting from a series of supervision models including:  Professional Learning Community (PLC), Peer Coaching, and a Drop-In Visit. Non-tenured teachers are required to have two formal evaluations per year, one per semester, for the first three years of their observation cycle.

Important Note:  All forms for the Differentiated Supervision Process should be submitted through Frontline. More information can be found by visiting the Differentiated Supervision and Evaluation Plan.


The ultimate goal of professional development is to promote and support effective teaching and professional responsibilities as the avenue for enhancing, improving and increasing student learning and achievement. An interdependent relationship exists between effective teaching behaviors, professional development and practice, and professional supervision. Research has clearly identified specific behaviors associated with effective teaching and professional practice. Teachers can assimilate these behaviors through a professional development program that provides content, modeling, practice and feedback. The supervision process can serve to promote and support these effective behaviors and identify further professional development needs.

The annual goals for the District should serve as a guiding force to administrators and professional staff members as they select, plan and implement their own personal goals for professional growth. Professional staff members are encouraged to consider and incorporate the connections between professional development and differentiated supervision as they pursue a life-long goal of learning in the teaching profession and strive to become distinguished educators as described on the PA Teacher Effectiveness Process with the overarching goal of maximizing student learning and achievement.